Catalog of Playful Practices - Educational Games SE Wiki

This catalog is the result of the research of a Master's Dissertation in Applied Computing held at the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, developed by the master's degree Cláudia Neli de Souza Zambon, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Marcello Thiry.


The objective of this catalog is to support the development of educational games in the choice of playful practices.

These practices can be used in educational games, but can also be applied to isolated activities within the classroom.

The focus is to encourage creativity with suggestions of playful practices already used in other successful games.

Another aspect of the catalog is the classification of these practices in the different levels of learning, facilitating the mapping of the educational objectives desired for the educational game in development.

In this version of the catalog, our content was geared towards ludic activities used in the teaching of Software Engineering. However, some of these practices may also be considered in other areas.

Target audience[]

Developers of educational games and / or teachers.

Structure of the Catalog[]

This catalog is structured in a way traceable between the main topics discussed here: playful practices, level of learning and contents related to software engineering.


This catalog is not finalized. The intention is that it continues to be developed and updated in a collaborative way by professionals in the area of ​​education and computing, to encourage the development and use of educational games as a teaching-learning tool, not only for the area of ​​Software Engineering , as well as for other areas of education.

We hope that these playful practices inspire new ideas and generate more practice for us to expand this catalog.

We request that any kind of collaboration for this catalog be sent to the e-mail:


Latest activity[]

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